Baseball bats. Little League baseball bats to be exact.
This past week, Bill and I took in a couple of games of the Little League World Series in Williamsport. Since we're not that far from the stadium complex, I think we'll be making this a yearly thing.
We saw 2 games, 1 at Volunteer Stadium, and 1 at Lamade Stadium.
Game 1 was Chinese Taipei vs. Mexico. (C-T is in the teal blue uniforms, Mexico in green.)
The second game we saw was in the bigger stadium, which has an area outside the outfield that seems to be the place many people prefer. Especially kids. The hill is a great place to slide.
The team in the light blue uniforms is USA West (Chula Vista, California), and the team in the dark blue uniforms is USA Southwest (San Antonio, Texas).
And in case nobody is watching, Chula Vista won the Series today! Go USA!
For more pictures, see Bill's blog.
On the birding front: I haven't been out birding. We've been busy looking for a home, and jobs. I did, however, spent a pleasant half hour watching 2 chickadees and a tufted titmouse play in the pine tree outside the RV window. They enjoyed chasing each other. And it wasn't vicious chasing, it was like they were playing tag. And I saw 3 mallards today. Does that count?
May your next bird be a lifer!