Sunday, June 29, 2008

Where's summer?

I don't know what happened, but summer seems to have come and gone in a week. We still haven't gotten a nice warm summer day. OK. Once or twice. But that's it. It's cloudy, windy, and rainy. No sun. Haven't been able to find any evidence for this global warming people are talking about. At least not here in Anchorage. Since spring migration has come to an end, the birding has been extremely slow. The birds are all laying low while they incubate eggs and raise young. The chickadees are out and about with their parents, but so far those are the only ones. Oh, and my husband has seen a magpie with 4 very rowdy young. Poor girl! I feel sorry for her, she certainly has her wings full! If anyone has seen a juvenile magpie, you know what I mean. No wonder they don't migrate. They're too pooped by the time they're done raising their young. There was a moose the other night with triplets! A very rare sighting, even here. There's another poor girl. They were just roaming in 3 different directions. She kept trying to round them up. She needed a Border Collie or something to help. And they were on the side of a very busy road. Yep, sometimes I'm glad I don't have kids. Almost done with the minor renovations and repairs to the house before we finally put it on the market to sell. I think we've waited too long. We'll be lucky if we get it sold before we leave. But I must say, the upstairs bathroom looks good with it's new paint and tiles on the floor. Now we have to paint the bedroom. All those shows on HGTV keep saying about using neutral colors. The bedroom is definitely not neutral. I'm just waiting for the moving truck. Everything will be easier once all this stuff is out of the house. Gotta go!

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