Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Okay, Okay, Okay...
Bill still has the same job. Nothing much has changed there. I really wish he would get word that the job was permanent. No word yet on that front.
I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you. There just isn't a whole lot of news, or birding, to write about.
Speaking of birds, I have baby robins and baby house sparrows everywhere. Since robins are territorial, I think they are keeping other birds away. I had a couple of Goldfinches, but haven't seen them in a while. And I have spotted a Ruby-throated hummingbird every so often. And that's it for the birding. Chomping at the bit to go birding, but I am really not on any type of migration route. Most of the birds here are here all year long.
Talk with you all later!
May you next bird be a lifer