Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Okay, Okay, Okay... lately there isn't even any chatter on this blog, let alone birding. Things have gotten a bit busy lately, since I got a part-time job for the summer. And I don't work a couple of days and then have days off. I work different days, different hours, different days off. So it's been hard to find the time to do anything. Even the laundry doesn't get done until I'm finally out of clothes. My house is a mess. But, what can you do. I needed to do something, or else I would have been shut up in a big padded room.

Bill still has the same job. Nothing much has changed there. I really wish he would get word that the job was permanent. No word yet on that front.

I just wanted to let you all know that I haven't forgotten about you. There just isn't a whole lot of news, or birding, to write about.

Speaking of birds, I have baby robins and baby house sparrows everywhere. Since robins are territorial, I think they are keeping other birds away. I had a couple of Goldfinches, but haven't seen them in a while. And I have spotted a Ruby-throated hummingbird every so often. And that's it for the birding. Chomping at the bit to go birding, but I am really not on any type of migration route. Most of the birds here are here all year long.

Talk with you all later!

May you next bird be a lifer

1 comment:

Agatha said...

I'm glad you are busy. I was starting to wonder about you.