Monday, October 20, 2008

Oregon Coast

We spent 4 days in Newport, Oregon, along the coast. Originally, we were going to spend 2 days, but enjoyed it so much, we stayed the weekend. The scenery was spectacular!

This is the Yaquina Bay Headlight. You can walk to the top, but being afraid of heights, I didn't make it. Bill did, though, so you'll have to check his blog for any pictures he may have.

Apparently there is an unusually large number of Brown Pelicans in the area. They were everywhere.

We are now in Eureka, California. We got here this afternoon after quite a trip across the mountains from Redding. We didn't stop for any pictures along the way. Unfortunately, the Gray Whale can not access many of the turnouts along the roads (that's why there aren't many pictures of the Oregon coast). So, we have to be content with seeing and not documenting.

Tomorrow we are planning on going to see the huge redwood trees. Since we'll be in the jeep, we should get a few pictures. Not sure what we'll be doing after that. When we were in Newport, we stayed in a state park campground, so we didn't have internet access. Hopefully now we'll have a couple of days that we'll be connected.

Bird update: Newport, OR
Brown Pelican
Pelagic Cormorant
Black Turnstone
Double-Crested Cormorant
Herring Gull
American Robin
Northwestern Crow
Northern Harrier
Common Loon
Heermann's Gull (life bird!)
Harlequin duck
Song Sparrow
Bald Eagle
Great Blue Heron
Surf Scoter
Black-Legged Kittiwake
Dark-Eye Junco
Stellar's Jay
Northern Flicker (red shafted)
Red-Breasted Nuthatch
European Starling
Chestnut Back Chickadee
Hairy Woodpecker
Western Gull (Life bird!)
Western Grebe
Black-Capped Chickadee
Great Horned Owl? (heard, not seen)
Pine Siskin

See? I told you I'd do more birding once I got to the coast.

1 comment:

Agatha said...

WOW!! Great place!