Friday, July 24, 2009

On the birding front

Birding here in Pennsylvania seems to have slowed a bit. Lots of baby robins, and what seems to be millions of baby Grackles. They are fun to watch. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a juvenile Robin try to pull a great big earthworm out of the ground. It's like watching a game of tug-of-war!

This week I've only seen 2 new birds here. A Brown Thrasher and a Sharp-Shinned Hawk. Both of these were in the field behind the RV park. The hawk was in the grass, and it looked as though he tried to get himself a starling, but missed. The Catbirds are driving Mieka crazy, especially since there are cats roaming the park. She's obsessed. Eugene doesn't pay any attention to them. He's focused on balls. Just balls. Big ball, small ball, red ball, blue ball. As long as it's round and he can either roll it around or catch it. :o)

Back on track....Neither of these birds are lifers for me, but they bring my PA birding total to 52. There are probably lots of birds I've missed, especially the LBJs. But since I haven't had to expend a lot of energy to get these, I'm happy. Waiting on fall migration to hit full bore, then I'll get to Hawk Mountain or the Delaware Water Gap and look for hawks and warblers on their way south. Unfortunately, that time is nearing fast. I've heard on Ray Brown's Talkin' Birds that the folks in MA have noticed migration starting.

I'm beginning to ramble. Better go now.

May your next bird be a lifer!

1 comment:

Carolyn NC said...

Sounds like fun - hope you get to see more these next few months!