Friday, August 22, 2008

Cranes, Cranes, and more Cranes



...and more Cranes.

Went to Creamer's Field today. It hit 70 degrees here, and was very sunny. But I didn't mind since I got to see Sandhill Cranes! LOTS of Sandhill Cranes! And just as many Canada Geese. There was also a nice flock of Greater White-Fronted Geese and dozens of ducks. Mostly Mallards, but a few Widgeons thrown in. No Cackling Geese. We'll be going back tomorrow. I'll see if I can steal one or two of Bill's pictures, because his will be better than mine.

The dogs are having a good time here in Fairbanks. They got to swim in the Chena River and then we found a grassy field at the library where Eugene could play catch. We'll be going back there a couple of times so he can release some energy. Meika likes chasing birds out of bushes and sniffing everything she can find.

Until tomorrow....

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